Gotham Receives A Visit From Doctor Fries

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While I know that I have been very behind on my reviews, especially when it comes to Gotham, but as soon as I have more time I do plan on actually making up fort he reviews I haven’t done yet. Still, I am always glad to see some new casting announcements fort he show, as it seems they have now officially found the actor, who will be playing the prequel incarnation of Mr. Freeze, Doctor Victor Fries.[1]

The actor is actually Frank Underwood’s personal bodyguard, Edward Meechum, as Nathan Darrow has been officially cast in the role. We won’t see him until December, which is a nice touch and there will be episodes focused on him, which were said to be Episode 12 and 13.

His character description sounds as follows:

“Though ferociously smart and eminently capable in his work as one of Gotham’s preeminent cryogenics engineers, Victor struggles to make meaningful connections with others. The one exception is his wife, Nora (casting TBA), who has tragically fallen ill with a terminal disease. Victor’s love for Nora knows no bounds, so as her condition worsens, he goes to extreme measures to figure out a way to freeze her before she dies. This harrowing journey leads to his transformation into the legendary DC villain, Mr. Freeze.”

What do you think of this casting? Leave a comment below!