Ant-Man Surprises At The Box-Office Against Pixels

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While some articles tended to compare Ant-Man’s box office opening weekend with that of The Incredible Hulk, as it is the second lowest fort he company since 2008, it seems that Ant-Man did manage to surprise many in ist second weekend. Making around $25 million it has managed to retain the Nr. 1 spot from new entry Pixels this year, that only fell short by almost one million. It probably was able to keep the high-ground due to the massively negative feedback regarding Adam Sandler’s latest film Pixels.

For Ant-Man that is a similar dip of -57% that Thor: The Dark World had and with that even managed to pass the $100 million mark within 10 days. Considering its film budget of $130 million this is still quite a success for the film, as it proves to have staying power even after coming in second on Friday.

That isn’t all, as furthermore the film Southpaw has outperformed by taking in around $16 million fort he weekend, which even with the mixed reviews. In contrast, Paper Towns proved to have a considerable intake on Friday witha round $6,3 million and was predicted to finish off around the $20 million mark, but interest had dissapeared after the first day.[1]

[1] Cf. Simanton (2015):, Dated: 27.07.2015.