Marvel Studios Rumors Reaching New Heights?

2:55 PM Unknown 0 Comments

After Marvel announced Ant-Man and the Wasp, as well as three mystery projects it seems Bleeding Cool has cooked up a few rumors on their sides. Instead of looking at them individually, I will summarize them both in this article and add my own personal opinion. So, before I bore you with an introduction, let us get started.

Let us start off with today’s largest rumor, as it seems that the upcoming Inhumans film could have been potentially put on hold due to a divide between Ike Perlmutter and Kevin Feige. Not too long ago, we already heard that Marvel Studios was now operating directly under Disney instead of Marvel Entertainment, so some are suspecting that some sacrifices had to be made. Marvel Television, which takes care of the ABC and Netflix productions, still is under Perlmutter’s control, so naturally with the Inhumans being introduced on Agents of SHIELD, it seems like they wanted to focus more on that storyline for the television department. Also, they state that they “overheard” it in a bar in New York City, so take this with a giant grain of salt.[1]

Now, I already read a bunch of people commenting that Agents of SHIELD should get cancelled so that this film gets made. Let me make one thing clear, the Inhuman concept was introduced on the show, but the Royal Family is an element the film would have focused on. Naturally, these two elements don’t have to mix and Marvel TV’s head Jeph Loeb is commonly fellow showrunner on most Marvel ABC and Netflix projects, who also communicates back and forth with Marvel Studios to keep up a consistency between their projects. We have no idea of the exact connections and internal structure of Marvel Entertainment, but it could very much be that they are currently restructering Phase 3, as it is much larger than the other phases and maybe they are trying to keep an overview for the projects by shuffeling them around. Maybe more details will be revealed at another Marvel Studios event sometime this or next month?

Next up is the supposed report that Avengers: Infinity war Part 1 and 2 combined will have a budget of one billion dollars. Now, as a economy and business student I will be the first to tell you this is probably highly unlikely. Especially with reports stating that Robert Downey Jr. would make half the money that producers, directors and actors would receive that would reach a total of $400 million. As much as they want to keep him around this seems quite over-the-top and from a financial standpoint, this would mean that each film has to make at least $1 billion to even be able to break-even and there is no report if this includes the actual marketing costs, which can also be quite high. With reports stating that there aren’t even finished scrips ready, which could be a sign that the writers are still trying to start after they finished Civil War, I have a hard time buying this.[2]

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