[Agents of SHIELD] #308 - Many Heads, One Tale

Ward is back and this time with a vengeance, as he gets to know who exactly Malick truly is as he seeks down one of Baron Strucker’s hidden vaults. At the same time, Coulson is giving Rosalind a look into their base of operations, but is also forcing her hand to reveal what exactly her true motives are, as the rest of our team infiltrate the ATCU base and uncover their biggest secret.
Agent, here is a quick spoiler warning of
the upcoming events. If you have not seen the episode and achieved Level 9 then
be wary of the spoilers that will follow.
I will be honest, this episode
truly made Ward an unforgettable villain of the franchise, as the way he
handled jumping out of a plane in the middle of nowhere while charmingly
telling the stewardess that she might not survive was heavy. The way he escapes
Malick first attempt of killing him and then actually torturing the attackers,
as well as recruiting them was quite a fascinating thing to see. He almost
feels like the Marvel incarnation of The Dark Knight’s Joker, but less focus on
anarchy as he has a pretty set goal of destroying SHIELD and Coulson.
This episode certainly gave us a
deeper look into how exactly Coulson became a part of SHIELD and him being a
history major is quite fascinating, which also explains why exactly he has such
a fascination with the 1940s. We are three seasons in and Coulson is still a
rather odd character, whose history is still kept a secret to us besides small
flashes here and there so I really think it is about time that we get an
episode that actually allows us to see what brought Coulson into SHIELD, what
he uncovered and how his relationship with Nick Fury has become what it is. I
find it ironic that the head of SHIELD is just as mysterious as he always is.
Still, the main focus was his
fast evolving relationship with Rosalind and it was quite heartbreaking to see
how far Coulson will go to protect his team/family. I actually really like their
relationship and hope that it isn’t destroyed at the end of this episode, but
it will be interesting to explore how this history will evolve after everything
that has happened. I personally actually get the feeling after the revelation
that Malick, who is the head behind the ATCU, might actually join SHIELD in the
next half of the third season and I still believe that Rosalind isn’t her
actual name.
So, let us talk about the massive
twist that completely reinvents what we knew about HYDRA. Instead of truly just
being an organization that was founded by Red Skull, but in reality has existed
for a long time with the main goal to service a powerful Inhuman, who might
have ties to the original Royal Family from the comics, and we might see appear
in the upcoming Inhuman film. This is actually not completely made up, as some
might remember that HYDRA has a deep history in the Jonathan Hickman and Dustin
Weaver comic S.H.I.E.L.D. and I absolutely love the fact that this also opens
the windows to what history behind SHIELD that Coulson teased and foreshadowed
in the episode.
What did you think of the episode? Leave your comments below!