Main Protagonists Of The Green Lantern Corps Revealed?

It seems that we finally have a confirmation for the 2020 Green Lantern Corps film’s roster, as according to a report it seems the entire film will mainly focus on Hal Jordan and John Stewart as the main leads. Up to this point some were wondering how many characters would appear in the film, or at least how many of the Green Lantern Corps will be from earth.[1]
With this confirmation though it
will be interesting to see how these two characters will interact and
especially if they are the only ones, as many other characters such as Guy
Gardner could also be introduced in the film. Hal and John would certainly
offer the show an interesting “buddy space cop” concept to run with, but it is
in the air if this film might try to copy a similar feeling as Guardians of the
What do you think? Leave a comment below!
[1] Cf. Wilding
Dated: 07.12.2015.