[The Flash] #207 - Gorilla Warfare

While Cisco is on his date with Kendra Saunders, who he has visions of an angel approaching in his so-called “vibes” we also have the return of everyone’s favorite Gorilla Grodd, who seems to be trying to create more of him by abducting Caitlin and it once again forces Wells hand, as he might have to prove that he might have a hero inside of him as well. Barry at the same time is trying to get over his loss of speed and recovering his legs. May Grodd’s appearance might spark his motivation to once again face the villainous Zoom?
Grodd....Warn. Not...Seen...Episode?
Then....Do not..continue reading! This is...a spoiler...warning...for
you!...Alright this is not my best version, but it is still true.
Gorilla Grodd had one of the best
episodes last season, as it played out like a monster was hiding in the sewers
and I was quite full of glee when I found out that he would be appearing on the
show once more. While I do believe that the quality of his animation was
fantastic while hidden in the shadows, seeing him in light does sadly stick out
a bit, but I thought the same thing from King Shark, whose cameo was amazing,
but he still did stick out, but the shadows help the effects a bit more. Still,
this is me just nitpicking as in general the effects are always great and it is
still amazing to see a TV show actually attempt this effects work.
It was nice seeing Grodd actually
have some trust in people, especially Caitlin who treated him kindly and seeing
Earth-2 version of Wells stand up to a monkey. Grodd figuring out that this
Wells was a fake due to the way he spoke was a perfect touch, as this version
of Wells would have no idea how exactly Reverse-Flash communicated with the
monkey. Seeing him being sent through a portal in the end was also a great
touch as it actually gives us our first look at the Gorilla city, which I find
hilarious that this actually exists in Earth-2, but it does make me wonder if
Grodd’s abilities will evolve and he will find a way back to his original world
on the search for the original Wells.
The Saunders-Cisco sub-plot was quite odd, as while he did
see visions of her Hawkgirl persona, I didn’t quite understand why he had to
run away from the date. Also, knowing that in the next episode she will become
Hawkgirl, I find it sad that this is nothing more but a throw out subplot
except if they do actually continue this storyline, which I personally doubt
with her appearance on the upcoming Legends of Tomorrow show.
Lastly, isn’t it spooky seeing
Barry driving around in Wells original wheelchair, which I kind of wished would
have gone on a bit longer, as after last episode stating that he can’t feel his
legs anymore and then seeing him run, but not able to keep up his usual speed
seemed quite rushed. After having to confront the new incarnation of Wells,
wouldn’t it have been amazing for him to be stuck in original Well’s shoes?
Stuck in a wheelchair with him being haunted by the man who once sat in that
chair? I just feel like seeing him run normally again at the end of the episode
kind of made Zoom’s attempts completely pointless and seeing him actually
confront his situation with literally not being able to walk, but returning to
using the brain of his.
What did you think of the episode? Leave a comment below!