Will The Ancient One Defy Expectations?

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Remember back when their were reports that Tilda Swinton was rumored to be up fort he Ancient One role in the upcoming Marvel Studio’s production of Doctor Strange? Well, it seems almost confirmed except by the official Marvel website, but there are further hints at the future of a once commonly male character being gender-swapped fort he upcoming film.

If anyone remembers her role in the film Constantine, she played the character Gabriel, or at least a more androgynous variation on the angel, who is stereotypically depicted as a man. According to The Guardian she was quoted of saying „The thing that keeps me beinga performer is my interest in society’s obsession with identity, because I’m not sure that I really believe identity exists.“[1]

Could there bet he possibility of her portraying the character in a similar degree to her portrayel of Gabriel? It would certailny add to the character, who is not a singular person, but many. In a sense, just maybe their interpretation is a character that might be the physical representatoin of magic and is looking in Dr. Strange to pass on the knowledge to travel into a space not many have travelled.

What do you think about the matter? Looking forward to this interpretation of the character? Leave your thoughts below!