2016 Update Heading to Archive Media

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With a new year comes changes and even Archive Media isn’t truly safe from it. With over 10.000 views and more than 300 articles written just within the last few months I was forced to take a short break in November up until now. As much as I love writing for my article I was swamped with a lot of work as I am nearing the end of my Master’s and trying to find a topic for my thesis took some time. As a result I am quite behind on reviews, news articles and especially on editorials.

Starting this year in January I will actually not only be studying, but also will spend some of my time working part-time. That doesn’t mean that Archive Media will end with 2015, but in reality will go through a make-over. I need to structure my life a bit more when it comes to writing, as I will be studying, working, writing my Master thesis, trying to finish a massive project and in addition write for my blog, so I need to get a bit more structure in my life.

I won’t just yet give away how Archive Media will change, but keep your eyes peeled for whatever changes are heading your way and I hope to keep up a much steadier pace to offer more and better content. With that I hope to bring you guys some more updates over the course of January and also catch up on some reviews I am missing as well as news articles. Doctor Strange has gotten some massive updates and I really need to get back on that as soon as I am back home!

With that, keep your eyes peeled for updates and changes heading your way for 2016.