[Agents of SHIELD] #305 - 4,722 Hours

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It is once again time for an interesting theory, as while watching the latest Agents of SHIELD episode I have come to realize that while it was quite a more low-key episode in comparison to the last few weeks, I was amazed to realize that this episode might actually hold a much deeper message than we might think of at first. The main story of “4,722 Hours” focuses on Simmons time on a deserted world, which is nothing more but a blue-tinted desert. She meets a man named Will on this planet, who seems to have been trapped on this planet since back in 2001, a time long before we had today’s superheroes and Inhuman world. You can consider this article a combination of a review and a theory that I am currently working on.

Even if you are lost on a distant planet, always keep a spoiler warning to heart. Anything could happen on your journey.

There isn’t much to the plot of this episode outside of the things that I have already mentioned. As a nice contrast to the last few episodes, this was a rather somber one that tried to focus mainly on telling us the story of what had happened to Simmons on the deserted island. It was a well-done bottle episode that gave them the opportunity to tell a much slower story rather than trying to rush through every single storyline that they have done in the last few episodes. It feels like a “calm before the storm” to me personally, as I think next week a lot of things will be going down. What I loved was the soft touch of having the classic Agents of SHIELD logo just appears over the strange planet without showing us the typical (and newly designed) SHIELD logo in the background. This episode was about Simmons, her trouble surviving on the planet and a destined meet that probably bothered a lot of people.

Sadly, there is no true revelation of what that Evil being was on the planet and this I will get into further details once I get into my theory section. Still, I feel that there is more than meets the eye with this entire episode and what is also quite interesting is the fact that while many will hate the fact that the existence of Will might destroy the Fitz-Simmons romance, it simply felt like that them never truly becoming a unit once again seems like a storyline they are trying to tell. Both of them have gone into different directions with their lives and it seems that they are trying to make them finally get together so much sweeter, something I highly believe the finale of this season will see happen. Still, I believe Will would make an interesting addition to the cast, as having someone without any true knowledge about what happened after Iron Man’s existence could potentially shine an interesting new light into the universe.

So, here goes my theory on what this episode truly was about. We have now officially entered Marvel Studios’ Phase 3 and with it Thanos has finally emerged from the shadows. In Guardians of the Galaxy we have learned that he has already destroyed an unknown number of planets throughout the galaxy. As in the comics, he leaves a trail of death behind him as he tries to make his beloved fall in love with him, or at least so he believes. Have you already picked up on my theory? While many believe the planet to be Ego, the Living Planet due to the planet being described as “moody”. While this theory is certainly a possibility, I had a different thought when he constantly described that strange shape-shifting creature as death.

So, let me counter act my own theory by questioning how does it all work in conjunction with the Inhuman storyline? While the Kree’s home planet is still alive, it doesn’t seem that out of place for the Kree to have constructed planets outside of their home planet. What if this strange blue planet was once the homeworld to the Kree’s scientists that have worked on the genome that created the Inhumans. It wouldn’t be too strange to imagine that they have created the monoliths to make their experiments easier to handle and to be able to transport specimens from one planet to another. The planet Simmons was on, something that one of the astronauts described as having been a lush and beautiful planet, was a Kree homeworld and the planet humans were brought too, so that the Kree could turn them into Inhumans.

What happened? Why is this planet dead? How come a shadowy death is hanging over this planet and everything seems to have been completely destroyed? No remnants but the dead that came to the planet looking for answers, only to find death. I believe that this was one of the first planets that Thanos had destroyed on his venture trying to prove his love to Death, who simply lingers as a shadow among the planets looking for anyone that end up trapped there. The monolith from that planet had been destroyed so there was no way back, but it still existed on earth, creating a one-way trip to a world that is nothing more but a wasteland.

Agents of SHIELD has given us a look into what potentially could happen to Earth, a dire affair that are in the hand of a man, who may be inching closer to owning the Infinity Gauntlet. If this planet was destroyed by his hands without even having that power in his hand, you can imagine the devastation he will leave behind once he receives it. They used the Inhuman subplot to expand the MCU’s mythology even further by showing that Thanos even has his influences on the small screen, or I am making this up as I go and I could be completely wrong.

What did you think of the episode? What do you think of my theory? Leave a comment below!